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Hurricane season

Written by Chris on March 22, 2023

Updated on: 6 July 2023 

Weather Patterns and the Hurricane Season 2023

General Hurricane and Weather Outlook in 2022

Hurricane forecasters are predicting another active hurricane season in 2022, with Colorado State University saying there is about a 65% chance of above-average activity though it looks to be slightly lower than 2021.

Although nothing can be certain when talking about the weather, the temperature of the waters in the North Atlantic have always been an indicator of what is likely to come. So is La Niña.

What’s the difference between El Niño and La Niña?

Put simply, El Niño and La Niña are two opposing climate patterns that disturb the normal patterns. These changes affect the world on a global scale through unpredictable weather that impacts ecosystems and economies all around the world.

Both El Niño and La Niña have unpredictable timescales. But in general El Niño is more common than La Niña. But La Niña can lead to a more severe hurricane season. The National Ocean Service has more details on these issues.

As for the impacts in 2022, the effects of La Niña began late in 2021 with the cooling of the equatorial Pacific waters, warning of the formation of an increase in tropical storms and hurricanes.

Some heavily qualified good news is that a period of El Niño is not on the cards as the summer rolls on, and a lot of models indicate a weakening of La Niña as the Pacific waters warm during the first half of hurricane season, suggesting fewer storms. However, such forecasts have a very short shelf life and the situation can rapidly change from month to month

Expert Recommendations

June 1 is the official annual start date of the Atlantic hurricane season and it doesn’t officially end until November 30. While this may lead some people to delay taking action, they should be aware that destructive tropical systems have for several years had a habit of occurring as early as April and May with the western and northern Gulf of Mexico, all of Florida and the North Carolina coast usually facing the greatest risk from hurricanes or tropical storms.

In addition, a severe lack of rain since last December (2021) in areas such as California significantly raise the risk of wildfires which may seriously affect power distribution from an already outdated and insufficient grid.

So now is not the time to delay getting prepared, and in many areas even a weaker storm can cause life-altering damage to your property, and a slow-moving tropical storm with persistent rain can result in life-threatening floods and long power outages.

In terms of portable generators and portable power stations, together with their associated accessories and equipment, bear in mind that many people haven’t been able to find one to buy when they really needed to because other buyers have beaten them to the draw. This situation is likely to be even worse with the supply chain issues that have affected global markets since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, worsened by Russia’s senseless invasion of Ukraine.

More Information in Weather Patterns

If you want to follow current information and forecasts of weather patterns and hurricane / storm predictions, head on over to the National Hurricane Center at


Article by Chris

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